A Catholic Community Growing Disciples in Owasso, Oklahoma

Serving Grace

We will come together with our parish family and with those in the larger community on the fourth Thursday of the month for dinner. 

Are you being called to serve? We would LOVE TO HAVE YOU!  This will not be done by any certain group or ministry, but this will happen by parishioners coming together to feed the hungry. 

You can help monetarily by donating online or by signing up to bring the ingredients we will use to cook the meal.  You can also sign up to help cook, serve, greet, or clean.  Whether you help in these ways or not, you are invited to come and be a smiling face as you share a meal with our community. Sign up below! 

For questions, please reach out to Monica or Dustin Martin. 

Serving Grace is scheduled for Thursday, January 23 5-7pm. Our menu will be Chicken and Noodle soup with salad, bread, crackers, and peach cobbler. Craig and Rose Rhodes are heading up the kitchen this month and have put together a group of people who will donate the chicken. 
Feeling called to help? Below are signups for volunteer positions and also for food donations. If you can help provide some food for the evening, please sign up below and return the items by Wednesday, January 22nd.  Thank you!
Ingredient donation volunteers: 
Volunteers for the evening of dinner: 

Thank you so very much for supporting this ministry! Sincerely, Monica and Dustin Martin