Preparing for Sacraments
Congratulations! We are excited about celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism for your child. Please see the following steps to have your child baptized at St. Henry:
1. If this is your first child to be baptized, you must be registered members of St. Henry and also attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. Classes are offered in both English and Spanish in St Henry Education Bldg. Any questions regarding baptism will be addressed at this class. Please see the parish calendar for the dates of the classes or call the parish office. (If you have previously attended a baptism class in the last three years, you do not need to attend again).
2. Godparents are encouraged to attend the class with the parents. If Godparents are not members of St. Henry they are required to provide qualification documentation from their current pastor.
3. You must be a registered member of St. Henry and have attended the required Baptismal Preparation Class before scheduling a baptism. To schedule a Baptism, please call the parish office at 918-272-3710.
Reconciliation and First Communion
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is a two year program that involves regular mass attendance, Faith Formation classes, parent meetings, and family workshops. Children in 1st or 2nd grade can attend Year 1 First Communion Preparation. Once they complete the first year they can attend Year 2 First Communion Preparation and will celebrate First Reconciliation and First Communion that year.
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is offered for children/ youth in 3rd – 11th grade who have not received these sacraments. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is offered for adults to receive these sacraments. Please contact Katie in the parish office for more information about RCIC and RCIA.
Adults who have been away from reconciliation and would like more info are welcome to take some reading material located in the vestibule, office, or are welcome to make an appointment with Fr. Matt or Fr. Bala. If you have never received the sacrament and would like more information, please contact the parish office.
It is assumed that the students have been raised in the Catholic Faith at home with consistent Mass and Faith Formation attendance as promised by parents in their Baptismal vows made years ago. Students attend Confirmation sessions for 2 years to continue their formal faith formation and to help them discern their commitment to live as a disciple of Christ. Confirmation Year 1 is open to students in 7th grade and older, once they complete their first year they are able to attend the 2nd year of Confirmation and be Confirmed in the spring if they so choose. The Confirmation Year 1 parents and students host the Confirmation Reception each year. Please contact the Faith Formation Director at 918.272.3710 if you would like to help.
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is offered for children/ youth in 3rd grade or older who have not received these sacraments.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is offered for adults who have never received the sacrament of Confirmation or any other Sacraments and are interested in learning about and joining the Catholic Church. Please contact Katie in the parish office for more information about RCIC and RCIA.
Congratulations on your engagement!
We are looking forward to assisting you in preparing for your marriage. The steps below will help you secure information for planning your wedding.
- To be married at St. Henry you must start your wedding preparation process at least 6 months prior to your wedding date and be a registered member of St. Henry.
- Preparation begins by making an appointment with Father Matt at the 918-272-3710
- Once you have met with Father Matt you may reserve your wedding date with Laura and arrange a time to review the parish guidelines
- Saint Henry follows the guidelines of the Diocese of Tulsa which requires Pre-Cana (Pre-Marriage preparation). Contact the diocese’s Family Life Office at (918) 294-1904 to register.
Anointing of the Sick
An individual may be anointed when they are seriously ill or prior to surgery. This sacrament is celebrated at various times throughout the year following Mass and is available by appointment also. Please contact Fr. Matt or call the Parish Office at 918.272.3710
Holy Orders
If you or someone you know would like more information about discerning their vocation in life please contact Father Matt. Additional resources and contacts are available including diocesan information at